Have you dreamed of visiting San Diego? Would you like to take a trip to the Big Apple? Here's your chance!
We know that the quality of your au pairs' education is important, and we want to show YOU what an APW course is like...and let you visit a great city while you're at it. That's why we're excited to introduce our FALL PREVIEW CONTEST! This contest will introduce you and your au pairs to all that APW has to offer, while giving one of you the chance to travel to an iconic city in the US.
Our contest is open to anyone involved as an area director, local childcare consultant, community counselor, regional director, or other area coordinator with an au pair agency.
One winner will receive the opportunity to travel to a city where we offer an APW course. We'll fly you there and provide accommodations so that you have the chance to explore the city AND check out an Au Pair Weekend class while you're there. Don't worry, you won't have to spend your whole time in class--we'll provide you with a schedule and suggestions of when to join us, while allowing you the rest of your time to enjoy a much deserved vacation!
There are multiple ways to enter our Fall Preview Contest. Entering the contest initially is easy--simply click the link below and fill out your contact information. Just for entering, you will be the first to have access to our 2020 calendar!
Upon entering, you will receive an email listing additional ways that you can enter the contest. These include visiting us on Instagram and Facebook, and watching an "intro to APW" video. Each action will give you an additional entry into the contest. Plus, once you've registered initially, each one of your au pairs who registers for a 2019 APW class by the contest deadline will give you an extra entry!
To make the most of this opportunity for you and your au pairs, we'll also give you access to some special promotional materials that you can share during one of your upcoming monthly meetings. These will give your au pairs a better idea of what to expect during our courses and how our program can benefit them. As a thank you, not only will you receive 5 additional entries into the contest, but your au pairs will receive a discount code for their upcoming 2019 courses.
What are you waiting for? Sign up for our contest and you could be on your way to planning your trip itinerary soon!
All entries must be submitted by October 15, 2019 at 11:59 PM to be eligible to win. A winner will be chosen at random the following week and will be contacted via email.